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Old 03-01-2010, 08:55 PM   #160 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mrguy View Post
I agree there. But, to make a person want to listen to an album again, it needs to have maybe 1/2 songs with an element of "catchiness".
Back when I was a mainstream wh*re I used to hear a song, like it and then within a week or two, I hated it.
In saying that, there are always exception to "rule". For example, The Killers were the first band I was a proper fan of (during the end of the Hot Fuss era, moving into the Sams Town era), and I still like them today. And they are a very easy band to like straight off.
But then you can take other bands from the same time that I liked (e.g. green Day) who I got sick of very quickly.

I think that, perhaps, more "trained" ears/more intelligent/more aware Music fans share the same opinions. As you find that the mainstream wh*res seem to be able to keep listening to the same stuff. But just because you like that, it doesn't make you dumb, just ignorant to what is really out there. The smartest person I know is a Mainstream listener, but I got him into some more "alternative" stuff and that's broadened him a little. He still likes mainstream though.
Agreed, but not about albums needing 1/2 catchy songs. I'll listen to an album again if I was interested in what I just heard, even if I didn't like any songs and didn't find them 'catchy'. I will always give it a second chance.

Then again...

I'm a sucker for concept albums and most of the time, with their reoccurring themes, the sound on the album carries all the way through. Leaving very little room to pen a catchy song amongst the overall story/concept. Some artists can release a song from a concept album and it works but when it's taken out of context from the albums story it doesn't always work.

Originally Posted by Petula07 View Post
Do you think that all good albums have some catchy songs?
For example in my opinion The Incident has only one catchy song (Time Files?) but it doesn't mean it's bad album. For me it was very attractive although after first listening I was little bit like "What is it? All other Porcupine Tree albums are catchier than this new one".

Really interesting topic. I admit that before the time I discovered progressive rock/progressive metal, my music taste was full of mainstream like U2 and R.E.M.
I know what you mean and I share this opinion with you.
Catchy songs are easy to love but also you can forget or hate them after some time easier. But when you love some complicated song, it's probably love for all life or at least for longer time
About the smartest person... I don't think that mainstream is for stupid people and I wouldn't say that mainstream listeners are dull or they ignore good music. I still like U2 and R.E.M. although not so much like before. I prefer some progreesive stuff, complicacy, diversity, alternative, experimental, whatever interesting... But I don't forget about music that I liked some time before and in some way I still like it. At least for me it's possible to have easy and complicated music together. You know - when I want to relax, I don't listen to for example Pink Floyd or Tool but rather R.E.M.

So @mrguy as I see your attitude to complicated music, you may like The Incident. But rather don't expect some catchy songs.
What about 'Drawing The Line'? and 'The Incident' - maybe my idea of 'catchy' is different?

Also... I 100% agree on everything that you said about there being nothing wrong with the mainstream. It gets knocked by all sorts of music snobs that I think may have stopped enjoying music and only enjoy the technique now. Sometimes you want to hear something that you'll get into simply and not scratch your head over.
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