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Old 03-04-2010, 04:50 PM   #200 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 965

Originally Posted by Petula07 View Post
So may I have a question for you here? What's your top 5 songs by Tool?

1] "The Patient" (Lateralus)
These were the first Tool lyrics I memorized. I was taken away with how much I could relate, at how bad my days could be and when I put this on, nothing fucking mattered. Lateralus changed me.

2] "Forty-Six & 2" (Aenima)
Aenima was actually one of the last albums of Tool's I explored. The timing couldn't be more perfect. The concept behind this song never fails to give me goosebumps. The numbers 46 & 2 refers to a possible chromosomal evolution in humans. The song references theories from Drunvalo Melchizedek, a "spiritual leader" and author and psychiatrist (though he explored much more than psychiatry; quite the interesting man if you ask me), Carl Jung. Our 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes, Melchizedek theorized, could possibly evolve and result in 46 & 2 chromosomes. Also, the "shadow" that tool repeatedly refers to in the song is a theme that reoccurs in much of Jung's work.

3] "Parabol & Parabola" (Lateralus)
These have got to be some of my favorite lyrics of Tool. I've cried pretty hard listening to these songs. I don't think I need to say much more about it. The lyrics speak for themselves.

4]"Rosetta Stoned" (10,000 Days)
This song kind of strays away from the kind of on-going theme I've got going on in my top five Tool songs. It's about a hippy getting too ****ed up to remember what aliens told him about changing the world. Well, that's what I got out of it. In my words, it sounds cheapened and lamed, but that's why Tool wrote the lyrics and not me.

5] "Third Eye" (Salival & Aenima)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's done with Timothy Leary quotes in the Salival box set and then with Bill Hicks quotes in Aenima. I don't know as much about Leary as I do Hicks, so naturally, Bill Hicks is one of my favorite speakers. Again, lyrics in the song are on point.

Also, scottsy, I'm with you! I'm going to download the albums now so I can listen to it on the way home from work! I only have them on disc if you guys are wondering why I need to download 'em.
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