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Old 03-09-2010, 12:24 AM   #3 (permalink)
Sincerely Yours
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
Who's to say that drug induced hallucinations aren't real? Surely, they cannot be seen or felt in the "real" world, but I find it to be nothing but simple rationalization when everyone can disregard something simply because they took a drug. No one knows what the brain is doing when we modify the way it is functioning.

A popular theory amongst scientists studying the drug feel that DMT lets your mind peak into parallel worlds. This is the reason many see gnome or lizard creatures when they take it (different worlds mean different evolutionary paths).
Last semester I took a class that focused on space and a person's awareness/place in their "space" and this kind of goes along with it.

My professor was talking about driving one day. Basically, she said that there are times when you're driving and you're mind is focusing on something else. So, physically, you're driving a car, but YOU, your conscious self, isn't anywhere near that car.
And, of course, we read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (loveee) and discussed the entirely different reality that the two main characters shared in the same physical space.

I think the parallel world is kind of like that. It's not black or white. You can't just say that there are or aren't ghosts.
You're sweet, but I don't wanna fall in love.
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