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Old 03-09-2010, 01:31 AM   #5 (permalink)
Sincerely Yours
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Join Date: Mar 2010
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Posts: 22

Originally Posted by duga View Post
Yes! Exactly...driving is a perfect example. When first learning to drive, everyone is so uptight and nervous that we pay attention to absolutely everything we do. Once we are used to it, we space out and can sometimes end up forgetting an entire car trip. The most unsettling thing about it is how very important things like stopping at a stop sign or remembering to signal are easily forgettable. Next time you finish driving through a well known area, try to remember exactly how the trip went down. You won't be able to, your brain has effectively deemed driving a mundane task not worthy of the long and short term memory usage required to remember it.

Btw, I'm liking you more with each post...I hope you stick around.
[: Thanks! I think I like it here.

As for the driving thing. I live about 45 minutes of highway driving away from my college and after a visit home, I was driving back and I was 10 minutes from my apartment when I realized I hadn't been paying attention at all during the drive. Luckily, the weather and traffic conditions were pretty clear. And I'm going to have to try that, I'll probably give up after like 5 minutes, but whatever.
You're sweet, but I don't wanna fall in love.
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