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Old 03-12-2010, 11:24 AM   #11 (permalink)
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the bit that comes after the line about fighting nature is basically just describing why and how we are effectively fighting the patterns of nature. it has much to do with the leaders of the world following through with very well thought-out plans to basically enslave us. you can see that it is working on all levels if you do your research, in my mind the most basic and obvious evidence being that we actually accept the way food and products are made. we vote with every dollar we spend.

and by "fighting nature" i also mean the inherent "learning curve" (for lack of a better term) of all biological species being stymied by the archaic approaches we humans take to systematizing life on this planet. we're not learning to deal with anything. we just make it worse, everyday. but a new meaning has been created for individuality for the people of earth, and i'd say it's more closely tied to the ego in the sense that to be an individual is now achieving a sense of success in this capitalist era, rather than seeing yourself, just like a squirrel or an elephant or even just a tiny cell, as a functioning player in a system that goes way beyond dollars and status and into being a functioning and integral component in the system of the quantum world. which is, of course, the only world which is truly alive.

and whether you like to hear it or not, we're all effectively quite brainwashed, and somebody's "predicted outcome" at that. they have designed collective thinking so as to compensate for the derivatives of evil.

i could go on forever about this.

cultural evolution vs(/+) human evolution: just like all living things, we evolve. some people seem to find the need to debate this, but it's undeniable. to me the most basic approach is to see cultural evolution and human evolution as sort of gravitationally binary, meaning one can't function/happen without the other. again to the learning curve.

if you look at the learning curve of the world's people instead of as divided culturally into sections where one group is more "intelligent" or informed or technically swift than another group, but rather just as the sheer achievements of man, as in the first wheel and creating fire at will all the way to today's sciences and discoveries and technologies, and put the instances of those discoveries on a timeline graph, you'll see that the information available to us grows exponentially.

our achievements in the arena of thought literally CREATE the world in which we live. so as cultural and human evolution are tied, the environment which we create is the one which we have no choice but to adapt to.

the dawn of the internet was inevitable, and it serves as the only medium or substrate that a global culture can (and inevitably will, as the learning curve demonstrates) can flourish.

the only problem is, we all speak different languages.

one other thing, there are leaps and bounds being made in translation technology and in the next 2-3 years you will see cell phones equipped with near-instantaneous audio converters for many languages. i would say this is evidence of demand for global unity.
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