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Old 04-08-2010, 04:41 PM   #1617 (permalink)
mr dave
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
Ugh, FPSes on consoles .. I'm sure if it was possible to set up a team of pc players vs. a team of console players in a multiplayer FPS on XBOX live, the PC players would on average kick so much ass. In FPS games, the keyboard/mouse combo is so superior to the current joysticks I don't even bother playing such games on my xbox Of course, I have to get some value out of my expensive gaming mouse as well.
i used to hold fast to this attitude as well. but after a couple of years with a PS3 in the living room, it feels weird to play FPS games on the pc now.

there's also the fact that most FPS games are tailored to play on consoles now and a lot of those tweaks get ported to the pc as well. like the slight auto-aiming to compensate for having to use and analog stick instead of a mouse. a lot of times it doesn't matter how accurate you are with your mouse pointer since the game is either going to be compensating for the sticks on the gamepad of the 'realism' effect based on the quality of your gun. your shot will be within the targeting reticle but not necessarily where you're actually aiming.

it's like anything else though, the more you do it the better you get at it. i remember people getting kicked out of Quake servers for 'cheating' by circle strafing. for those unfamiliar, circle strafing is to move sideways while shooting and turning to keep facing your target. that used to be called a cheat because not all gamers had developed the ability to click the mouse AND move it AND hit 2-3 keys at the same time. in today's games that normal movement and i'm sure that with more and more FPS games coming out for consoles first and pc second we'll see more and more advances coming from that side of the spectrum.

not too long ago i played through the entirety of Borderlands on the PS3 and not once did i find myself thinking man i wish i had a mouse. whether that's a change in myself or a change in the development of the games is anyone's guess. while the pc vs. console experiment would be super interesting, i'm thinking it would turn out to be a whole lot tighter than most people expect.
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Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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