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Thread: What is Punk?
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Old 04-18-2010, 06:59 PM   #19 (permalink)
kodi_skate44's Avatar
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The so called punk rockers that are at the top of charts... they're not punk. They're pop. Yes, Green Day USED to be a ****ing sick punk rock band back in the 90's. Blink-182 was sick, then Enema came out and people only know them for that album.

Punk is not about the money. Not the real punk.
Punk is about being yourself; **** trying to copy other bands like these so called "punk" bands we always hear about.

Punk, to me, is about change. Like you see Anti-Flag and Post-Hardcore bands like Rise Against and Strike Anywhere... These guys are amazing musicians, and they're trying to change things in the world because they don't like it. I have great respect for them.
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