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Thread: Unschooling
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Old 04-27-2010, 01:13 AM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN View Post
^ I saw that a few weeks back in my psych class. Didn't know she got fired for it... thats bull (but not completely surprising). I personally don't think she was wrong for what she did. It's not in any of those clips but they did a sort of reunion with the kids from that class as adults and they were all glad to have gone through the exercise; they all seemed to remember it quite well and it had a pretty good effect on them. The (essentially) same exercise has been done with teachers themselves and correctional facility staff.
Yeah I've seen the one where they reunite as well! I don't think what she did was wrong per se, but she did make some of the kids quite upset (you can tell from their faces) by the activity, and some might say she was using the children without their consent in a social experiment. She also didn't tell the parents/ school that she was going to do this either. Ultimately though you can tell from the end that the kids valued the activity and learnt so much from it. I think it's quite amazing. Also, I'm pretty sure this was done back in the 1960s, and in a fairly conservative town, so you can kind-of see why she got fired. I agree though, I think it's a bit of bull.

Anyway, once she lost her job at that school she never taught children again, but has been continuing to do this kind of stuff with adults.
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