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Old 05-06-2010, 04:28 PM   #131 (permalink)
أمهاتك[وهور]Aura Euphoria
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
that's not cool at all. is there anyway to recover any of it (as in does he even remember who / where he offloaded it?) as much as the vigilantism feels appropriate YOU will end up in more crap if you go that route.

what kind of living situation is he in? how far removed from living with his folks?

it's kind of lame and borderline prick-ish but if the kid can't pay up, the parents usually can - depending on the situation. if he's just a reflection of the screwups that made him then it's a dead end, on the other hand if he's just rebelling against the squares that forced him into existence and they're refusing to see that little Timmy actually has a problem now might be a good time to visit Auntie and give her a reality check (and bill).

small claims court is also an option but likely far too much stress and hassle for what it's worth.
I demanded he bring me to the dealers house the day after he told me. I searched the guys entire house and offered to give him money on top of buying it back from him. No luck, the dealers is whacked out of his mind and had no recollection of it. Its not his problem at all though. His parents are giving him another chance at home before kicking him out. They are actually quite well off, and not at all like him. He came from great roots. His mother is a chemist making 6 figures, and his father works for the state as a civil engineer. He is currently on Soboxin, and as long as he keeps taking it he can't get into opiates, as it blocks the neurotransmitters or some BS that keeps them from working. He was my best friend growing up, and after I joined the military he got into bad ways. I elected not to let his mom or dad know, as they have already had enough of his ****. I am giving him the opportunity to make right with myself and others without dropping the bomb to his mother. She has even kept a lot from his dad, who would probably and literally murder him.

Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his red eyes and fierce black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy light."
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