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Old 05-13-2010, 06:35 PM   #509 (permalink)
love will tear you apart
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Originally Posted by The Butcher View Post
Nah,I'm 16. I have tried listening to them.I just could not do it without making it look like a chore.

Oh,and just because the influenced music from them made most of the music today does not mean they are good. It's like saying the original Clash of The Titans was freaking awesome because it inspired some of today's CGI. Just sounds ridiculous.
Film and music are completely different. You either make great music or you don't, with CGI you can smoother any shit script with it and it doesn't necessarily make it a great piece of work, but the CGI can be impressive. With music you either like it collectively or you don't like it at all. Plus CGI was used like 10 years before Clash of the Titans and I'm not an expert on Clash of the Titans but I don't think that film was the film to break the mould of CGI being used in a certain way.

Even if Clash of the Titans were the first to use CGI, it is just a technology. CGI is more comparable to the influx of electric guitars. Just because a certain film used it and other films followed to use it doesn't mean anything: The Beatles definitely broke the mould of rock n roll and the influence carries on to this day.
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