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Old 06-12-2010, 07:47 AM   #41 (permalink)
Tea Supremacist
Like a fart in a trance
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Originally Posted by Rhovanion View Post
I don't have anything (as far as I know) but I grew up with two younger brothers who both have ADHD, Tourette's and one of them also has Asperger's. While they were the ones suffering from the syndroms and no doubt had it the worst, it sure wasn't easy for the rest of us either.
I agree with you there. I suffer from depression, always have done since I can remember, it runs in the family (Christmas dinner is just a barrell of laughs... ) and a lot of my worry is what I'm doing to my family and friends.
I'm a pretty frank, open person and the type that hates those head-tilting, sympathetic looks, but my depression totally hit a new low this year when my other half and I lost a baby due to anencephaly. I'm totally not equipped to deal with sh*te like this at all. My problems are that I don't want to go back onto medication (I've had a few different ones prescribed over the years) because I don't want to become dependant and I don't like the kind of numbness they can bring on, I tried seeing a therapist several times, but it never helped any, but I need to do something because I can see how much what I do and what mood I may be in affects the people around me.
As anyone like this knows, you get good days, you get bad days. Tomorrow I might wake up and feel like I can do anything. Or I might wake up and want to stick my head in the oven. On those days, there's then the extra stress of putting on the game face so my mood doesn't affect everybody else. I have good friends and family and my other half has been a diamond through everything but, for instance, I know when I go visit him and I'm having a bad day and sit there and cry or stare into space for hours on end, there's nothing he can do, he feels useless and, let's face it, it can probably get pretty annoying for people in his position...
'You got red on you...'
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