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Old 06-14-2010, 05:22 PM   #357 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
So I like albums you dont and you take that as a personal insult, seriously you act this way all the damn time and it's getting irritating.
That's funny. Considering that I never, you know, showed any offense to what you said, I think I know where you pulled that from.

Aside from Mother, I love all the songs on Sync and I consider it their most consistant work
Consistently terrible.

and the fact that it is also their most diverse and experimental is all the more impressive.
Except that the experiments are failures and diversity doesn't always mean greatness - if I release a 10-song album and every song is a different genre than the others is that a masterpiece?

Tea in the Sahara a bad song? WTF YOU MAD?? One of the highlights of the album by far. Walking in Your Footsteps, Every Breath You Take, King of Pain, Synchronicity and and Wrapped Around your Fingers are solid as well.
"Tea in the Sahara" is boring and pretentious. "Every Breath You Take" is the most boring song they ever made. "Walking in Your Footsteps" sticks out in a negative way. "King of Pain" gets tiring on repeat listens. "Synchronicity I" is annoying. "Wrapped Around Your Finger" is better than I claimed but still isn't a highlight in their discography.

Though best songs on the album are O My God, Synchroncity II and Murder by Numbers.
Well at least you got that right.

Synchronicity I doesn't even have any synths on it
Are you deaf?

and it has a really odd structure that you never hear in pop songs, it's not at all synth pop.
If itt sounds like pop, I DGAF if it has 37 time signatures, it's pop.

And if you think Ghost in the Machine is mostly crap then I don't know what to say.
That "sentence" should be changed to "GITM has some crap" which it does.

What kind of Police fan are you?
The kind that likes their good songs.

Every Little Thing is a good pop song but not one of the highlights.
Not one of the highlights but still shi‎t.

Spirits in the Material World, Invisible Sun, Too Much Information, Rehumanize Yourself, Omegaman, come the f*ck on.
Omegaman gets dreadfully old but the rest are good.

Synchronicity is the first Police album I heard and I thought three things when I heard it.

1: "This doesn't sound like 'Message in a Bottle'."
2: "Wow, this song is a pile of turd."
3: "This song is a lot better than the others."

The Police were my favorite band for about 2 1/2 years but even then I thought that album was awful. It's basically Sting with his terrible solo output featuring Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers.

I think you should stop taking personal offense to what everyone says. I don't think I've read an exchange between members that features you that didn't contain a statement similar to the one you started your post with here. Just because I don't like Synchronicity and don't agree with you doesn't mean I took personal offense or something.

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