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Old 06-25-2010, 06:02 PM   #3118 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Yeah but nobody was calling them that before Godspeed you black sky mountain explosion and all that stuff existed.

And if there's one thing that irritates me it's retroactively applying genres to things before they existed.
A shedload of 80's guitar music has now been given a Post Punk tag even though they shared few similarities with the genre.

Post Rock as a genre is a fairly new genre but you can trace it's origins much further just the same as Post Punk.

The modern musical version of Post Rock is a cliched scene full of copycat bands I admit but using a retroactive label to include previously unclassifiable bands has been going on forever and shouldn't be used as a catch all for a band. Many bands have been unclassifiable and it takes a genre for them to be tagged with it.

Band like Interpol and The Editors have had the Post Punk label applied to them which obviously is a huge misnomer but they are not indicative of the genre at all.

As a specific genre I can see why it bores you but the scene is far more scopeful than instrumental rock bands and it just took a while for a label to be attached to theses bands.

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