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Old 07-04-2010, 03:11 AM   #154 (permalink)
boo boo
Dr. Prunk
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Definitely, it is important for people to have choices. But when you claim that women shave simply as a positive "choice" and as personal "maintenance," when the alternative is to be mocked and viewed as hideous, while men can walk around with all their leg hair and no one bats an eye, the sexism of women shaving their hair should be obvious.

What I find sad about women shaving off their "unattractive" body hair as part of "personal hygiene" (when the same hair on a man is perfectly accepted) is that women become the instruments of their own oppression, even defending the practice...says the hairy feminist.
I'm not fond of this attitude, you act like if women make the same choice as you that's the progressive choice and if women don't make that choice that's enabling sexism.

I think that's pretty ridiculous. As heterosexuals we are attracted to those who are different from us in appearance, I don't think establishing physical distinctions between genders is sexism. We just like to be a little different from another. To say some women only get satisfaction from legshaving because they were forced to think that way is an incredibly arrogant point of view. I mean have you seen Tea Supremacist? She's all punk and sh*t, not someone you can pigeon hole into your "sexism slave" category. Any point of view based around the idea of "if they don't share this belief something must be wrong with them" is stupid. It's moral imperialism.

I sympathize with you if you have been ridiculed a lot for your appearance but it's something you chose to do and it's naive to make such condescending assumptions about women for simply not making the same choice. You choose to reveal your hairy legs and isn't that just a plead for attention? And do you not just want other women to join your cause so you won't be alone?

It seems like you're trying to guilt trip other women into your belief system by using the false dilemma fallacy.

There are a lot of civil rights issues women have to do deal with but you're always going after this specific issue for personal reasons and it's such a trivial subject. It's an act of personal maintanence and it's a personal choice just as guys growing beards like Rick Rubin is a personal choice but we'd get ridiculed for that too that doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't have a Rick Rubin beard is "part of the problem".

Just because people ridicule you for choosing not to do it doesnt equate to sexism because men and women alike are considered undesirable if they don't do certain things, like if we don't keep ourselves sexually presentable, but this is truly the case for both sexes. We just happen to associate women with cleanliness and smooth legs is part of that concept, but it's something most women embrace so what's the problem? Should they be FORCED to go grizzly addams just because a few women don't like it? Women who have a choice of their own anyway? Isn't it just easier to do what you wanna do and not give a crap about what other people think about you? If you're SO devoted to being different in the first place why take other people's opinions about you so personally?

Seriously, when you're gonna do something that's very different from what most people do you're gonna get made fun of, that's just the way it is. But telling the world that they need to adapt to your world view is pretentious, are you for sure that isn't the reason people pick on you?

Instead of forcing your beliefs on others, the next time someone calls you Sasquatch legs tell them to f*ck off, problem solved.

I mean if you're so devoted to defying beauty conventions then why is this the one that's so important? Hair is also a part of social stigma and conformity is it not but you still have your hair, so by your logic women can only be truly free if they shave their heads right? Well guess what. Just because I think a planet of bald chicks would be kickass doesn't mean I have the right to try and convince women that hair is bad. I dig my thing and everyone digs theirs and that's just fine.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.

Last edited by boo boo; 07-04-2010 at 03:25 AM.
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