Music Banter - View Single Post - Weirdest Or Most Memorable Dreams You've Had
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Old 07-09-2010, 05:44 AM   #11 (permalink)
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I don't remember a lot of my dreams, but I sleep talk at least a few times a week (and that's what I'm aware of from other people telling me, I probably sleep talk when they're not there too...)

The other night I was asleep in my flatmate's bed while he was playing Xbox when I told him in my sleep that I needed pens.

Flatmate: You need pens?
Lateralus: *angry* Not not PENS. I need A PEN! Just one pen.
Flatmate: What do you need a pen for?
Lateralus: The countdown.
Flatmate: What countdown?
Lateralus: The countdown... for the people. The countdown for the people.

I don't remember any of it... really weird. No idea what I was on about. But I talk in my sleep ALL the time. I also do weird things in my sleep, like a few nights ago I got up and threw my doona down the stairs. Then went back to sleep and when I woke up wondering where the hell my doona was.

I wish I could remember my dreams, though!
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