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Old 07-12-2010, 09:12 AM   #50 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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A while ago I was really into lucid dreaming. I practiced controlling it and eventually I was able to go into one on command. It was a lot of work so eventually I just stopped, but damn lucid dreams are fun. If anyone is interested in trying, what I did to get it to happen was I put a number that was significant to me on my hand and went to sleep trying to remind myself to look at my hand. Nothing will happen for a while, but eventually you will have a dream where you look at your hand. Since nothing will be there in your dream (don't ask me why but marks like that don't show up), your brain will realize you are in a dream. There you go...lucid dream. It also helps to remember your dreams, so a journal is a good idea.

My weirdest dream happened when I was 4 or was really traumatic at that age, so I guess that's why I remember it. It was kind of fever induced, so that might explain it. My family was on vacation in California at the time. Basically, I was trapped in a cave and I was tied to a chair. These weird looking trolls were force feeding me jello. I managed to escape, but ran across this room with a laundry dryer. Some guy in a business suit came in and the dryer grew some massive teeth. The guy starting feeding my favorite blanket to it and I started to freak out. I woke up and had completely forgotten where I was, so needless to say being in a strange room made me freak out even more. You just don't need that **** when you are 4 years old.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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