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Old 07-20-2010, 11:29 AM   #56 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I'm fascinated by the use of the word "pretentious" in reference to the Beach Boys since they're about the furthest thing from pretentious I can think of, unlike the Beatles.

Brian Wilson conitnuoisly writing songs about the surfer life when he had never surfed a day in his life isn't pretentious?

It just seems like the only true worth they ever had was from '66-'69. Nothing the did, either before/after or as group/solo has any real resonance to me.

It's like they churned out product - ESPECIALLY in the 70's. Like, have you ever listened to L.A?

Absolutely terrible.

Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
And "Yer Blues"? Seriously? That song is awful.
I guess you've never been there before.

Good for you.

Some of us don't have a "happy-go-lucky, Mr. California in his Little Deuce Coupe, cruising the strip with his Little Surfer Girl named Babara Ann who he hops to get In His Room so he can show her his Good Vibrations before he has to Get Around to hitting the Surf's Up tomorrow" kind of life.

And if you think it's a "terrible" song, then have obviously never heard the version from Rock and Roll Circus, with John on guitar and vocals, Clapton on lead guitar, Keith Richards on bass, and Mitch Mitchell on drums.

But you probably don't like any of those guys, either.

See...the worst crime in music, to me, is making it boring, safe and predictable.

If music makes me feel NOTHING, it's worse than revolting. It's bland, trite, teenybopper bull****.

The Beach Boys, on the average, were boring, safe, and predictable.

The Beatles, at their WORST, were interesting, unpredictable, and capable of anything.

Not to mention that all 4 Beatles were badassed at their instruments, whereas the Beach Boys couldn't even really play - all their record's are filled with studio cats like Hal Blaine on drums - all their concerts had touring musicians covering their parts live.

I can't believe it's even a question.

The Beach Boys were a pop band - churning out light, safe, predictable teenybopper trite.

The Beatles were musicians who expanded the art of the Musical landscape, changing "rock n' roll" into Rock Music.

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