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Old 07-21-2010, 11:29 AM   #110 (permalink)
baldy1138's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Shaved eyebrows is a strange but appealing look, I like it, it's definitely a step up in the kinky/weird meter but it's fascinating how different a person's face is without those little lines of hair. Women with alopecia lose the brows and they can still be very beautiful, like Gail Porter. Eyebrows do complement a face and make them more distinct from another though so I'm content with just the headshaving.

I think some acomo sites really cross the line with face shaving though. That's just ridiculous.
Yeah, the shaved eyebrows look can be quite striking, although I tend to like the eyebrows where they are most times. Part of going without eyebrows, I think, is adjusting the makeup to complement it. A woman with a particularly piercing gaze can look amazing without hair or eyebrows. The eyes are just unleashed.

I differ from you then, the headshaving process is very arousing for me, especially when it's a smooth shave and lathering is involved, very much part of the eroticism, it really is a striptease as I see it.

Watching the evolution from hair to no hair, seeing them feel their scalp for the first time. I love it.
I do find the shaving to be a turn-on. I've just found with a lot of the material out there, the clipping is shown in excruciating detail from multiple angles, the lathering and shaving are done a couple of times, and there just isn't any artistry to it. And after all that, hardly any time is spent on the result. I tend to jump forward to where the razor shaving begins.

The woman's reactions are definitely part of the appeal. That first feel when it's done, or even that little "WTF?" expression they all get when they first feel the razor up there. I know from experience, it doesn't feel like you think it's going to. I really enjoy that moment of surprise.

But ultimately, the shaving is more of a means to an end for me.

I'm actually curious to know what your opinion on Face World Faceoff is. It doesn't really have anything to do with acomophilia it's more of an environmental protest thing. Some of the girls are beautiful but their pretentious neohippie rants I'm not as crazy about. And they do have an annoyingly elitist attitude towards people who don't share their viewpoint.
I'm thinking of doing a whole blog article on that. Part of it is exactly as you say - pretentious neo-hippy rants and the whole "fer us or agin us" attitude.

And they just bug me. The "SHAM-poo and CON-ditioner" line wasn't all that clever the first time I read it, much less the fiftieth. I find many activists have a blind spot for when they're just being lame and annoying and doing absolutely nothing to further their cause.

And they are just another extremist image for shaved heads. They don't even think it's attractive. They're sacrificing good looks for the environment, not advancing a broader idea of beauty.

I don't know if you saw this, but one of the Futurecuts preview clips on YouTube had a comment from one of these people to the effect of "Good for you, although I'm not sure I understand the motivation."

Gee, it's not a political statement. She's just doing it for fun, a little extra money, and because some people think it looks good. What a strange notion. I couldn't tell if this person just didn't get it, was deliberately being bitchy, or just trying to hijack someone else's video to promote her agenda.

I also just don't understand some of the reasoning. Apparently, individual choice is to blame for our woes, so they are adopting a uniform look that does not use hair products (just shaving cream, razor blades and soap). What? The whole beauty industry is fueled on conformity. People fork out money for this stuff because they think they have to look a certain way. Unless you live in the world of THX 1138, shaving your head is an act of rebellion more than it is one of conformity. It wouldn't be an effective political statement if it wasn't rebellious. And I don't believe for one minute these Face World Faceoff people don't get a charge out of standing out in a crowd.

There have been other acomo forums I think but they were pretty dead. You'll definitely need advertising skills and find places where you can promote it, get people interested, just as long as you don't break any anti-advertising policies.
That's why I'm not in too much of a hurry to get a forum going. I want to build the blog audience a bit, and try to get a critical mass before I start. You will definitely get an invitation when that happens.

As for the other dead forums, it seems like neglect was the problem. Not enough moderation. They either got overrun with spam and trolls, or tightened up their membership requirements to the point where it just wasn't worth signing up. A few good moderators who are firm but flexible are what any forum needs. I'll keep you in mind for the job.

As for this forum, I'm probably the only person who would be interested.
I must admit, it is pretty strange that I'd have to go to a music board to find a good discussion of bald women and acomophilia. I usually hang out on b-movie boards, where they know Persis, but not for the same reasons.
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