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Old 07-22-2010, 02:32 PM   #176 (permalink)
Flower Child
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Your write-up makes the music sound very notice so many I gave it a listen (on youtube): YouTube - Django Reinhardt - Paris Blues

I agree with you, it is nice when a song creates a strong mood and atmosphere, transporting you elsewhere. This song doesn't make me think of Paris though, makes me think of the Aristocats! The song is playful and upbeat, just like many in that movie:

By the way, Flower, I'm quite sure the instrument that comes in after the drum solo is a clarinet, because I play(ed) clarinet. A little squeaky and piercing, but fun with a lot of personality.

I have said it before and I will say it again, The Aristocats is the best movie Disney has ever put out and will ever put out. But it only fitting that it reminds you of that movie because it was set in Paris.

I find it interesting how people can listen to the same song and see it so much differently, because when I hear this song I feel it has more of a dark ominous feel rather than playful and upbeat. Its amazing how we all take in music a bit differently.

Anyway thanks Vegan for your comments and having a listen.

Originally Posted by Bulldog View Post
You've basically summed up the whole appeal of raw, grainy, pre-an-kind-of-modern-music-industry jazz and Delta blues to me. Cracking write-up as always

While we're comparing tunes that remind us of Paris though, this one takes the biscuit for me;

^ Any excuse to post a bit of Yann

As far as modern guitar jazz goes, I can't remember many names off the top of my head, but it'd be wort checking out this fella by the name of Eivind Aarset. He does dabble in IDM quite a bit, so sounds a lot different from any the classic stuff, but it's a name I can chuck out there anyway.
Good to hear from you Bulldog!

Oh Yann....
I was first introduced to Yann by Gavin B's journal and was hooked from that point on. And I completely agree with you on that great Paris sound he has going on. I think its all about the instruments he uses. And how he uses them of course. I'm pretty sure if I ever walked into a haunted circus in the middle of Paris I would hear his music playing. I mean, with a name like Yann Tiersen, he better be composing some brilliant masterpieces by god!

And thanks for the suggestions. Eivind Aarset sounds very interesting, consider him on my list.
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