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Old 07-24-2010, 05:16 PM   #1967 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
So you're telling me it's a terrible game simply because of how people choose to abuse it?

I played online and people weren't like this at all, everytime I died it was usually the result of a planned and well executed kill. Yeah people do the noob tubing but these people don't last long when up against skilled players. Overall it's less fun to noob tube and camp and enough people actually play the game for fun. That's why I played it and wouldn't you know, I had fun because I was playing with other people who were having fun.

If some dumbass abuses it and ruins it for everyone, that's his fault and not the programmers'. They put a lot of effort into making this game and it's rather insulting to completely write off the effort that went into it just because you're incapable of finding someone to play matches with that isn't retarded.
When you're playing online, the game IS the people playing it. The developers might not have control of your gaming style, but what you're forgetting is that the developers have the control of content and ultimately the balance of the weapons in the game. If some weapons need to be nerfed so that everyone and their grandmothers don't spam certain guns because it's the most powerful in ALL situations and scenarios, then that's something the developers are expected to do if the majority of the people playing the game call for it.
The problem with MW2 and other similar games is that I don't think enough people are calling for it because it's easier to just join the dark-side to make it an even playing field by doing the same exact thing. That usually results in a very confined type of gameplay that, if you expect to win, you must disregard inferior weapons and spam the overkill weapons. At that point, there isn't even a reason to have any other weapons in the game other than few all-powerful weapons that everyone uses. It destroys the ability to choose situational tools in a tactical way, and detracts from the gameplay if you're in a squad and trying to complete an objective. The fun isn't in killing as many people as possible, and it's not in completing as many objectives as possible. The real fun is working as a team and having to THINK about what you do and use experience and the tools at your disposal to achieve the objective in a well-organized and effective way.
At least, most of the people who have complaints about unbalanced weapons and spammy gameplay think that way. I understand that people may have different definitions of what's fun in FPS, but it's difficult to play your style if someone is making it impossible. The main cause of this happens to be unbalanced weapons and inadequate developer foresight.

What I like most about Bad Company 2 is that buildings are destructible. You can see a camper sniping as many people as he can, completely ignoring any kind of objective defense... simply arbitrarily racking up kills, sitting behind a window in a top floor of a building... and with something as simple as a grenade launcher attachment, you can take out the wall he's behind with one shell and kill him. That's balance. It gives you, as a player, the chance to defend yourself while you're going for your team's objective, and it also changes the dynamic of camping. I can't speak for how fun it is to just sit in one spot and shoot random people in the head simply to achieve a high Kill/Death ratio to show off in the gaming forums, but at least if a person wants to do that, they'll have to actually defend themselves and put a little thought into it.

Oh, and you'd be surprised at what's actually planned and well executed kills. You have to remember that some of these people have been playing the maps for a long time and know all the choke points and best places to camp. You may just blindly run into their view and conveniently place yourself at the tip of their front-sight post like all the other noobs do, and you're dead before you even know what happened.
That's not strategy unless you're defending an objective. And I've heard enough complaints from the MW2 community to know that's usually not the case.
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