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Old 07-29-2010, 12:22 AM   #301 (permalink)
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Well, about Panda Bear's new single release which includes "Tomboy" and "Slow Motion"... Person Pitch is repetition behind clouded walls of haziness. By the looks of it, Tomboy is going to be bare-bone repetition.

I really can't separate the two releases much more, and even though that's really the only major difference between the two, there is a major downgrade in quality. "Slow Motion" in particular is one of those songs where I could say it 'should be shorter' or something. But upon hearing that beat, those pulsating strings... Why would I want to hear that song even if it was two minutes long? The vocals are even more repetitive here, and that really tolls harder when they're isn't that airy quality to the music that makes it feel justifiable. "Slow Motion" just doesn't sound like it would fit in a Panda Bear album. Pardon the obvious and obsessive comparisons to Person Pitch, but they have to be done: Person Pitch flows tremendously like an album, considering that all songs compliment one another. "Slow Motion" will fit in nowhere. It starts off with a beat that just dies out. It never grows, nor does it suggest a song will follow it/come before it.

"Tomboy", on the other hand, probably could begin the album, or be followed by something slowly building up, and in general the song is miles better than "Slow Motion". On that track, Panda Bear still mildly entrances you with his keenness for expanding his sound to make headphone listening a serious treat. You know how "Bros" in headphones sounds like a thousand oceans being poured into your head? This is about a dozen oceans. I can definitely see this song playing a vital role in the album, not as an elongated centerpiece, but as a just opener of sorts. It doesn't budge around much, but it still possesses a lot of great Panda Bear qualities while deviating from Person Pitch at the same time. A dozen oceans...

"Slow Motion", on the other hand, is one boring old creek with polluted water. These songs don't worry me particularly about the final product, however, as even though some Panda Bear songs may sound silly on their own, he can usually place them on an album in a way that they will sound good. Perhaps even "Slow Motion" will be justifiable, but these two songs aren't exactly proving anything on their own. I say 'on their own' because anybody who thinks that these two songs compliment each other is simply wrong. But hey, singles gonna single.

Last edited by clutnuckle; 07-29-2010 at 12:49 AM.
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