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Old 07-29-2010, 02:43 AM   #64 (permalink)
Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra
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I think there's definitely a difference from a snob and a harsh elitist.

A snob is somebody who gets in a mindset that nothing outside of the rules they've made for themselves is viable, and therefore immediately dismisses it. Snob means you do not open your mind, and assume you're right before you even fairly analyze anything, not listening to anybody else's input.

A harsh elitist, is somebody who will try something different, but try it with the most of scrutiny. Often people commonly labeled as snobs, actually are more musically open minded, and simply appear as snobs because they tend to take out their frustrations at people who only give mainstream American/Western TV/Radio music a chance.

I've grilled people on forums consistently over music tastes, even to the point where people tend to look down on me, or label me a snob. However, I've never felt it was unnecessary, because, I'm not a snob.

I'm a harsh elitist. My goal is never to dismiss anybody's opinions, but to open close minded/afraid people to the world of music that's out there. If I'm to attack Lady Gaga and Britney Spears, it's only with the knowledge that they've been given an unfair advantage by the commercial world, and pisses on the efforts of frankly harder working musicians, who retain their artistic freedoms, creative edge, and get little to no attention because some bureaucrat snob himself doesn't think they're marketable.

I think there is no problem at all trying to express your frustrations with these types of music, as long as you provide a viable alternative. It's more breaking the bubble of naivety to me than thinking you're superior to anyone else.

As I say to anybody, "It's ok if you like so, and so. But, there's a broader world of musicians out there who are trying different things that deserve just a little of your attention as well."

To me, I think that's justification enough to be arrogant.
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