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Old 07-30-2010, 03:08 AM   #10 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
It's not infinite in that sense.

Think of the Big Bang. All matter started at one point and then exploded, pushing all matter outward. So the Universe is constantly expanding. What's weird is it's speeding up in it's expansion.

A true mind**** is that the Earth is the center of the Universe, as is every point in the Universe....
I like your brain. Let me play with it for a moment.

If you're to think of the big bang as an explosion, it doesn't make much sense if you think about it. Not so much because of the uniformity of temperature and all that, as that's been sorta explained by inflation theory, but in the actual manner it "banged". The distribution of energy, later to cool and form matter, later to be affected by gravity and form our universe, would have to have banged INTO something. Nothing isn't a viable option (bear with me here). But first think about the universe itself... We already know that empty space is not the absence of everything. It's filled with something. Science calls it dark matter at the moment, but it's just a name for something we can't see but logically know is there. That something NEEDS to be the fabric in which all matter exists... we can really just chalk existence up to "taking advantage of having something to float in" if you really think about it.
Something can't exist in nothing. Not if we're using science and logic. The fabric of nothing (or probably better termed, the fabric of what we can't see or measure at this time) had to come from somewhere. But where?
Was it always here? If so, what created it?

What if, during the singularity and resultant big bang, nothing was created. And by nothing, I mean the undefinable shit we're floating around in. But not created out of a necessity of being there, but pouring in through a leak from somewhere else? Another universe perhaps?
What if the singularity was actually a hole being opened from the layer between a universe and absolute nothingness and existence itself poured into and created a pocket universe that we now live in, like water being injected into a bowl of jello through a syringe...

I know this all sounds crazy, and people are probably wondering if I'm on acid or not, but I just wanted to throw some creative ideas out there to you, as they're all in realms of paradox-land, and see what you might toss back. I love that shit.
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