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Old 07-31-2010, 03:40 AM   #653 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
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Originally Posted by Flower Child View Post
I tell you what Erica, that means a lot to me, thank you! I always hope people are getting that same impression I'm getting when I see all those different faces and expressions through my photography, but you never know for sure if you really capture that for other people.
Yes, I definitely see a feeling in your pictures!

I know you joked about the red necks, etc., but the feeling I get from your photos is that you *like* these people. They may not be doing what you might be doing, but in documentating their lives you aren't meaning to ridicule them but to appreciate them. That is the feeling that comes across to me from your photos, and I feel is a very important one for photographers to have. People open up to that, I think.

I would love to be in the midst of your big fair with all those different people. I hope it will be a little cooler for your fair than it was for our farm show. It was in the hundreds here, and miserable. I'm actually suprises you like fairs because I can imagine you running around opening cages and freeing all the animals. Do take some shots for me.
Miserable in the 100s was a couple weeks ago when I was out in the field in the hot sun doing corn pollinations while wearing full sun-protection: jeans, turtleneck, blouse, fabric face cover, sunhat, sunglasses and...gloves. Yes. In 100 degree weather. THAT would have been a photo opportunity! I will never be a redneck...just very very sweaty. It is cooler now, thankfully.

Oh, I definitely go look at the animals! That is my favorite part, but sad, too. Sometimes I want to pose tricky questions for the owners...though I haven't because I don't want them to feel bad...such as, "How old are the male dairy calves when you send them to slaughter?" or, more condemning, "Where are all the male brothers of these egg-laying hens?" They'd know I was a vegan, then. They'd know I'm in on what's going on and don't approve, and they'd quickly become defensive and withdrawn. They are so proud of what they do! They "feed the world," after all, or so they believe/claim.

Mostly I just try to give backscratches to the animals who are interested, like the pigs, so that they have a little more pleasure while they are still alive. The pigs are always very curious.

I don't know if many people know this but a photographer has the right to take anyone's photo (as long as it is appropriate, like no secret naked pictures) without their knowledge or permission as long as you don't use them for commerical uses.
I didn't know we could take pictures of whomever we want! That's good to know. I always feared people would try to sue me. Sometimes I want to take photos of strangers I see, but I feel like I'm stealing from them or invading their privacy and I don't want them to get mad if they notice me. So, I had wondered how you handle this, because of course a lot of the best photos of people are the ones where they *don't* know they are being observed.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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