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Thread: Music Snobs
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Old 08-04-2010, 01:52 PM   #66 (permalink)
Souls of Sound Sailors
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@Anteater: Reading your post, you sound more like a musichead then a music snob.

@Skaligojurah: Please don't take offense to this, I'm clearly taking only aspects of what you said out of context. I'm using your words to make a point and I don't feel your statement was indicative of the type of person I'm going on to describe.

A snob is someone who believes someone is inherently inferior to him or her for any one of a variety of reasons. So it seems to me, anybody who gives music advice to someone based on the "fact" that the music they listen to pisses on the music of frankly harder working (better) musicians, is to take a stance of arrogance.

Feeling entitled to giving musical advice, or grilling people, in and of itself is snobby. Let alone the reason for it being that everyone who doesn't listen to anybody but Brittney spears is either close-minded or afraid (stupid or ignorant). And also what a bold comment that it's all right to express unwanted advise if you give an "acceptable" other artist to branch off to. You almost put yourself in a parental roll to those people, "No it's not okay to do this bobby, but you can do this instead". It's clearly implying I'm right and you're wrong.

My point being this; there are multiple examples in this, and a good majority of MB's comments, of arrogance. I see it all the time, signs that someone has at least a part of them that believes in some way to be superior. I think with such people, if I pushed it far enough, I would get into actual justification for "why they deserve to be arrogant". It's a pretty human thing to feel, and is pretty widespread, but all though I agree you'd have to be a rock to be unbiased, I don't think one would have to be a rock to not be an arrogant dick sometimes. Honestly why even pretend that's the case.
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