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Old 08-08-2010, 12:46 PM   #33 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Originally Posted by alltherowboats View Post
Another Canadian here!

I really wish more people know who the Tea Party were/that the Tea Party had become more well known when they were making music.

Unfortunately I'm unable to link anything, as I'm still under 15 posts.

But take my word...check these guys out...they really made some great music...
(Edges of Twilight is a great album by 'em...)
I agree, Edges of Twilight is my favourite album by them next to Transmission. The Tea Party are a perfect of how something can get so big in Canada, but just not translate across the border. It really shows how much that 30% Canadian Content Rule for radio makes a difference for the band.

I wish the Canadian metal scene was more well known outside of Canada. It seems the only Canadian metal bands that really travel outside of the borders are VoiVod, Anvil, and Annihilator, all great bands, but all are also over 20 years old, the scene has greatly expanded since then. Occasionally you do get a few bands that manage to poke their heads up and get on some bigger American tour, but even then it's not that great. I mean Strapping Young Lad had been together for over 10 years and their frontman, Devin Townsend, had already released a plethora of solo albums, yet they were still playing the 11:00 AM set at Ozzfest 2006.

There's a huge metal scene in Montreal, which is so odd because Montreal picks up so well for the indie scene internationally, yet it doesn't seem to fall on anyone's radar for other genres. Bands like uneXpect, Katakylsm, and The Agonist all come from Montreal and the only one I've seen talked about is The Agonist and that's because their vocalist is very attractive. There's a big underground movement, no big beefs, bands from Vancouver will help bands in Toronto and Montreal, it's like a Canadian metal band network. Yet none of them really ever seem to explode internationally.

It's just sad is all
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