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Old 08-09-2010, 02:40 PM   #2930 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Man, I had a weekend.

So a few buddies and I decided the time was right for some camping. We had some Lucy, camping gear, and a few brews for those not partaking in the entheogenic experience. I was particularly excited since my one previous experience with acid only produced a lot of euphoria and not much else. We set up the camp and I took my hit.

I must have one hell of a tolerance to the stuff. Everyone else who took it was apparently tripping balls...I was tripping but it was nothing revelatory. I had some cool visuals (stars are ****ing awesome whilst tripping, trees were bending and growing faces, I swore I could pick out 100 individual species of bugs making noise in the forest), I felt that intense euphoria again, and it did seem like every time I switched my point of view I had a new universe to explore. Reading that, it seems like I felt it pretty good...and I did...but it just seemed so...easy. Maybe my brain can handle these experiences better than some (after all...I can handle some of the strongest salvia out there like a champ). I'm totally willing to try 2 hits next time...but I doubt I will go past that. I do know several people that went way too far with acid.

ANYWAY...that isn't the most interesting part. The most interesting part is that we were camping with one of the most hillbilly redneck guys I have ever met (in a good way...if you can imagine that...the guy was hilarious in his hickness). He loved his 40's and decided to throw an empty bottle on the fire. True to his hick nature, he left the cap on. Heated air + closed space = increased pressure for those who haven't caught on yet. The inevitable eventually occurred. I remember thinking..."I wonder if there was a cap on that...." BOOM. I was busy enjoying the stars then all the sudden I go completely deaf and my ears start ringing like a grenade went of next to my head. I swear time froze for a second and I could see the expanding molten glass. Then time snapped back and I looked around at the devastation. Glowing glass and embers are everywhere. I check myself...I am not hurt. I'm sure someone is, though. I start asking and after a couple of minutes I realize NO ONE is hurt! How does that even happen? 8 or 9 people were all less than a foot away from this thing and the only injury was a small scratch on this guy's arm. And he didn't even care because he was too focused on rolling a blunt.

Something was watching out for us. It's all I can figure. The chances of none of us getting injured had to have been really bad. We were protected by the lsd gods or something...because nothing would have ruined my trip more than having to go to the damn hospital. Instead I was left with nothing more than an intense adrenaline rush (which perked up the trip a lot, I must say) and a cool story.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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