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Thread: The Bitch Box
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Old 08-20-2010, 01:32 PM   #6064 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Originally Posted by TumorAttitude View Post
So, my best friend in the world came out to me. I'm such a fucking idiot. How could I have not known that he was gay? I've known this kid for three years. First few monthes I knew him, I guess I figured he was gay but he kept telling me that he wasn't. Whenever somebody asked him, he got pissed off a dooshy straight guy would.
I really, really thought he was straight even though now that I look back its kind of apparent that he's not. I kept asking him about girls. Over and over again. "Hey, you fuck Amanda yet? You fuck her? You fuck her?" And I started freaking out after I got the Dude, I'm gay text message because I went back and thought about all the time I've asked him about girls or whatever and realized that I've been killing him a little. I feel horrible.
This is where the story gets weird. My tweeny sister and her friend were in the same room with me and saw me flipping out over a text I had got. And I couldn't tell them that he had outed himself to me. They'd tell everyone....Shit. So I told them they needed to prank call some random person that had been a doosh to me or something. I had no idea who's number to give them so I gave them Fasho's cell phone number. Shut up. If they yell at him, I don't have to make eye contact with him afterwards. He didn't answer, of course, because he has no fucking sense of adventure....
I was still staring at my phone and twitching so they kept bugging me about what was wrong. I had to lie. I told them Fasho was a kid I knew and that I thought he was dead and that I had to make sure if he was really dead or something so I made them call him. So yeah. Fasho's really dead. Just ask my sister.
They kept bugging me and wouldn't let me go to sleep unless I gave them somebody to prankcall that would actually answer so I gave them the number of my ex boyfriend. Didn't answer. Gave them the number of my other ex boyfriend. Didn't answer. Gave them the number of a girl that broke my heart. Didn't answer. Lets see, I thought to myself. Who's another floppy balled jerk? And who's awake? Who will probably answer?

I gave them Rickenbaker's number and they called him and talked to him in a Bill Cosby voice. He seemed sort of amused so I don't feel too bad.

Oh, and just so you know, Fasho's mom ran him over with a pick-up truck. Thats how he died.
You totally shoulda' given them my number.
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