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Old 08-20-2010, 11:12 PM   #7 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 71

Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
R.A. Wilson's fictional work is quite similar to Robbins'. Haha, I worship Wilson as well, but more so for his non-fiction. Ironically I always thought of Wilson's Illuminatus Trilogy as being eerily similar to Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.

Edit: My personal recommendations for Robbins' (aside from what you're reading now, which I think is also one of his better novels) are Cowgirls..., Jitterbug Perfume, and Still Life With Woodpecker.

If you want to take on an immensely challenging read, pick up Half Asleep in Frog Pagamas. It's written entirely in 2nd person!
All are great books though - Hitchhiker's Guide, Illuminatus trilogy...even prometheus rising! (although more than 'helping myself change', I find it more of a fascinating book in that, the more I read it, the weirder it gets). And this was a marvelous lecture by douglas adams -

(I find him just as interesting a person as anyone else here!)

I will eventually get all the one's you've mentioned, but Cowgirls can wait for a couple of weeks - I can only take so much of this mind-boggling chaotic stuff at a time!

So, anyways, I'm more than halfway through Fierce Invalids and I have this (bad?) habit of reading multiple books at a time :\. So recently bought was - Stephen Fry - The Liar. Absolutely loved his autobiography (moab is my washpot) and can't wait to get started on this!
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