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Old 08-22-2010, 10:23 PM   #593 (permalink)
Rocket Appliances
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 1,335

1. I have never shaven my pubes(I trim em nice and short) and don't plan to.

2. My earliest memory is a dream I had when I was 3 or 4 about glow in the dark bugs.

3. I am French, Irish, Italian, and Polish.

4. I've only broken one bone in my life. Me and a bunch of friends jumped on the side of my friend's sisters van. I had no railing on the roof to hold onto so I jumped off and broke my arm. I thought it was just sprained so I went to sleep. When I woke up in the morning it was swollen as hell so we went to the hospital and it was broken.

5. I just recently got contacts, I've had glasses for my whole life.

6. I have a birthmark between my ring and pinkie fingers on my right hand and my little brother has a birthmark between his little toe and ring toe on his left foot.

7. My hair is black in the winter and medium/dark brown in the summer.

8. My nose looks like it's broken even though it never has been.

9. I tan really easily everywhere except for my face and stomach.

10. I have a pidgeon chest.

11. With glasses I look like McLovin but without I look like my avatar . Yes I'm a nerd.

12. I used to be chubby when I was a little kid but in grade 7 I got really skinny and now I'm about average build.

13. I'm really hairy and already have more stomach/chest hair than all the kids in my grade and the grade ahead of me. I get teased about it but it doesn't bother me at all for some reason.

14. I used to collect LP's but now I just buy CDs.

15. I didn't really start getting into movies until this year.

16. The first CD I bought was Nickelback's The Long Road, and honestly, I'm not that embarrased by that fact.

17. I think I'm the least shy person I know.

18. I haven't drawn for 3 years, but I'm starting to get into it again.

19. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.

20. I run 2 km everyday.

21. If I rent a movie I'll watch it that night but I always procastinate watching a movie when I buy it.

23. I've never really liked video games and the only one I ever beat was THUG.

24. I go to a K-12 school that only has 430 kids.

25. I can't remember the last time I downloaded a song/album. I kind of want to start though.
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