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Old 08-25-2010, 05:10 AM   #601 (permalink)
awkward moose
homesick.alien's Avatar
Join Date: May 2010
Location: I ride kangaroos to school
Posts: 133

1. I want to live in New York, so I can have a pretty New York accent.
2. I plan to change my real name as soon as I can.
3. I wish I was a boy.
4. When I was 1, I slammed my thumb in the door while waving goodbye to my dad as he went off to work, and the nail fell off.
5. I got a second ear piercing last year and my parents still haven't noticed.
6. I convinced my mother to vote for the Australian Sex Party this year at the federal elections (she couldnt decide, and all the candidates were ****ty anyway)
7. I had perfect pitch until I was about 8, and it suddenly disappeared
8. I hate the Ramones.
9. I hate Lindt Chocolate. Haighs and Toblerone are waaaayyyy better.
10. When I was 12 I got my first period, but I was too embarrassed to tell my mum so I went swimming anyway.
11. I own a pair of pyjama pants with owls on them.
12. My USB thumbdrive is green.
13. I collect ribbons, but only ribbons that came with a gift, not ones I specially buy. My friends all know now I collect them so for birthdays, christmas, etc. they buy me a bit of ribbon.
14. I am not anti-war. In fact, I think war is necessary. Without war there'd be no human history. Also, you can't have peace without war, because peace is simply the period of time between two conflicts.
15. Once I got knocked out badly while playing hockey and I believe I had a near-death experience, because I felt like I was speeding towards a lot of light (and then everything went black)
16. I got asked out once by a 40 something year old. When I told him I was 15, he asked me out again.
17. I hate my school, but am only staying for the IB course.
18. I only like organised noise. That's why I hate parties/any sort of crowded place. The noise scares me and I became extremely nervous/tired.
19. I edited a Wikipedia page once.
20. I'm scared I'll never find someone who love me (romantically)
22. I'm scared about my future.
23. I join forums out of loneliness because no one in the 'real' world seems to be on the same page as me.
24. I work casual in a massage/gift shop, selling overpriced photo frames and jewellery to unsuspecting customers who get sucked in by the pretty window displays, the glittering gems, and the vintage-looking china tea sets.
25. I missed Fact #21. Oops.
..Colourless green ideas sleep furiously..

"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names"- J.F. Kennedy
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