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Old 08-26-2010, 09:49 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
Yep, I heard of the massive traffic jam yesterday from my dad.

Given how many people China has, increasing the number with cars is simply a bad idea all around. Unfortunately, car ownership in developing countries is on the rise, since cars there (as here in the U.S. and probably many developed countries) are seen as a sign of wealth and freedom rather than as a sign of greed, of gas prices that are too low, and of a lack of appropriately funded and accessible public transportation.

Here in my city, we have a public bus system, but it would cost $2 for me and my child to go 3 miles in a bus, and the trip would take around 30 minutes: 10 minutes to walk to the bus stop (and there aren't even always sidewalks!), plus 5 minutes waiting for the bus, plus 15 minutes on the bus. I could just drive there in 10 minutes for much less money (given that I already paid for the car). Throw in subzero temperatures, and taking public transportation becomes an even worse option.

My hope is that traffic jams like this and other changes that make cars less convenient (like super-fast trains and higher gas taxes) will reduce car ownership and use. It may take a while, but I think eventually fewer and fewer people will feel the need or urge to buy cars!
Though I agree with your sentiment about cars, most of what I've read indicates that this traffic jam is largely made up of commercial trucks. It's the vast amount of shipping in the area that's contributing to the problem, not people driving when they could be taking the bus.
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