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Old 09-02-2010, 06:26 PM   #487 (permalink)
Dayvan Cowboy
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Eh, why not?

Keith!: this guy is just epic. A fellow Panda Bro/Anco fan, who I must say should be given an award or something. Also, Alfred told me that you said "Sunn O))) sounds like my refrigerator" and I instantly thought you were one of the best MB posters. I wish I knew him more...

OctaneHugo: I used to think this guy was an idiot but he's actually pretty cool. It just takes a while to get used to him.

+81: I don't know much about this guy, but to me he seems pretty cool. He always has the best discussions in the shoutbox.

CanwllCorfe: How the hell does this guy find all of those great electronic acts? I'm personally jealous of his band-finding skills.

Dr. Seussicide: He is the Emo of MB, famous for liking all things depressing. At first, I thought he was a little cold, but now he's come to one of the people I'm close to on MB. I think he gives out some pretty epic recommendations.

mr. dave: At first, I didn't like this guy because he didn't like me.. Now, I realize that he has the right to be mad at me, because I can be a little annoying sometimes. We share some pretty cool common artists, though.

VEGANGELICA: this person is the sweetest poster on MB, I wish we talked more often, though. she seems to understand everyone and is quite informed

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN: I'm digging the Comic Sans, dude.
The next WendyCal?

rockguitar101: I wish he still posted here; he seems like the most hilarious thing ever. I'm loving the obvious photoshop jobs and the extremely amateur music

I'll do more later.
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