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Old 09-03-2010, 05:16 PM   #50 (permalink)
Seemingly Silenced
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- 3 SEP 2010 -

Well there was no entry yesterday, was a busy day and I just didn't have time, and by the time I did have the time I was too drunk to make a decent entry. So my epic 4-day weekend is officially underway, and I'm pretty excited about it. I actually have a bit of money to fool about with, and I plan on making it a fun 4 days. A trip to the casino perhaps??? It's a possibility. So lets kick back on labor day with a genre that has not been covered in this journal yet. Hip-hop.

Song of The Day: If I Had by Eminem

So the release and subsequent insane popularity of Eminem's latest release Recovery (2010) has sparked some controversy and debate. Is Eminem better now than he has ever been? Well, quite simply the answer from Crash is: No, Hell no. I say this for a few reasons: first, Eminem's subject matter is nowhere close to where it was in the Slim Shady LP and Marshall Mathers LP days, this song is proof of that. What makes a great hip-hop album? is it over produced club bangers? No. Is it songs about money, cars, women, and drugs? Well, sometimes. But what it's really about it authenticity. How real is it? How much can you feel what the artist is feeling? How much can you relate to the music? A great hip-hop album, or any album for that matter, invokes several strong emotions on the listener upon listening. This album, and this song especially, does that. Period.

The Slim Shady LP is hands down one of the best hip-hop albums of all time, and this song is one of the best of the bunch on the album. The album is full of great subject matter, everything from hard times, murder, envy, drugs, and offers a great look into one of the most twisted and talented minds of our time. In the song If I Had, Eminem takes us to some of his most intimate thoughts about life, and money. The song is a saga of how money always seems solve everything, but in reality only complicates things, a la Mo' Money, Mo' Problems. Overall, Eminem offers up everything you could want from a great hip-hop song on this track; great lyrical content, strong delivery, a simple yet solid beat. Bottom line, this song invokes empathy and emotion into the listener, and that is rare. So let's turn up the bass, burn one, and kick back on the weekend... Enjoy.
My MB music journal

Originally Posted by OBEY
"Never trust your own eyes, believe what you are told".
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