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Old 09-04-2010, 03:28 PM   #673 (permalink)
Flower Child
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Picher, Oklahoma.
The government moved all the people out of this old mining town because everyone was getting poisoned by the soil and water contaminated by lead and zinc. Their homes also loom over abandoned mine shafts and could sink hundreds of feet underground at any second. A tornado ravaged the place and killed a bunch of people so it was even more the reason everybody moved out. So it is a modern day ghost town and at every corner and every building and every house lingers the eerie feeling of something that once was. Some people left all of their belongings too. The final move out date was February 2010. Its a photographer's paradise and it is only about 40 miles away from me so heres a few of my shots.

1. Miner's Cafe

2. It looked like they were going to move this home, but it never happened. Those are the chat piles in the background that are poisoning the town.

3. The name of this cafe was 'The Last Place In Picher'. Notice that the tornado turned the sign to be pointing away from the cafe.

4. Pay Phone
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