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Old 09-19-2010, 09:53 PM   #719 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 1,265

1. I'm an American of Scottish-Danish-German-Irish-Italian descent.
2. I love poetry and my favorite poet is Wallace Stevens.
3. I'm obsessed with The Beatles and their solo work as well.
4. I find most people to be endearing in some way.
5. I was married for 18 years.
6. I'm drawn to melody, strings, and the bass line in music.
7. I'm very spiritual and have been into Vedanta Hinduism and Gnostic Christianity since I was a teen.
8. I was raised Catholic but no longer "practice."
9. I'm a cleanaholic but don't expect others to be. Gives me more to clean up and be obsessed about. : )
10. I'm very good in a crisis yet am afraid of stupid insignificant things.
11. I love the sounds and sights of the ocean.
12. I think I was born in the wrong decade; I would've liked to live in the '40s-'50s, like people in old movies.
13. I love babies and old people.
14. I'm not into hocus-pocus and New Age-y stuff, but I believe in reincarnation.
15. I love flying on planes and traveling. If I were free of all responsibilities, I would love to be a root-less traveler.
16. I've always been really horrible at math.
17. I've never been able to jump rope.
18. I'm petrified of public speaking and dread situations where I have to do it.
19. I can play most instruments by ear, given time.
20. I tend toward melancholy sometimes, but can find beauty in it too, and that's always helped me to bounce back from difficulties.
21. I can't sleep, and realized I posted only 20 in my original list. Now I have to think of four more boring things to write.
22. As I look to the left at the bookcase, the first few eye-level books are Snakes and Ladders by Gita Mehta, Blake's Poetry and Designs (William Blake), Kahlil Gibran - The Collected Works, Ray Davies by Thomas M. Kitts, This Is Modern Art by Matthew Collings, The Biology of Transcendence by Joseph Hilton Pearce...
23. Looking at the CD racks, first few are The Beach Boys - Unsurpassed Masters Vol. 16, The Hollies - For Certain Because, Harry Nilsson - Nilsson Sings Newman, Lightnin' Hopkins - The Great Electric Show and Dance...
24. I haven't bought any new CD or books in a long time, but have more than enough to tide me over!
25. Time for sleep. G'night, g'morning, g'day everyone (wherever you may be).

Last edited by ribbons; 09-20-2010 at 12:19 AM.
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