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Old 09-19-2010, 11:27 PM   #720 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 5,584

Been a while..

1. I get utterly sick of most people after about 1 month of being physically around them daily, unless I'm sexually attracted. It will take more than 2 years for that to wear off... but I have no real cutoff date for that, as I've never been in a constant, live-in relationship longer than 2 years. And the ending of that wasn't due to me losing attraction.

2. I prefer being alone when I'm not, and not, when I am. I enjoy the anticipation of arriving at a particular moment more than the moment itself. That said, I'm only happy when I want something. Never happy when I have it. Lucky me, that's pretty much the human condition, so at least I'm not alone. (which annoys me)

3. I would definitely be able to commit murder. I have learned this 11 years ago when I started driving.

4. Like a lot of people, I'm not so great at math.. It never engaged my intellect in school because it never held any of my interest. I never paid attention during any maths, yet I aced practically every other study I've undertaken. I somehow feel like my life is just as well off without it. I guess it's better than being a math savant who doesn't know how to tie his own shoe-laces. Instead, I make a really impressive shoe-lace knot and own a calculator...

5. I would love to come up with a working theory of everything in science... but I don't do math...

6. I read people very well, but it has cost me a lot of friendships and relationships.. not to mention the fact that I get sick of being around some of them after a while. I would love to think I'm just paranoid, but too many of my predictions come true for that to work very well objectively.

7. When I was a kid, I thought I would be married and have kids by age 23. Now that I'm 29, I feel like a 23 year old. It has to be some kind of resistance to figuring myself out. Although if you look at statistics, being 23 with a family isn't exactly a credential.

8. I don't love music as much as most of you do. I used to... years ago... but it just doesn't seem as important as it once did. I appreciate it, but I don't live for it anymore. Music is probably the very last thing that defines my life, in the grand scheme of things.

9. I don't like ridiculously experimental music. I feel like there is a point where something is no longer music, but I know it's a subjective thing. For instance, subjectively, there's no reason why a particular person shouldn't like the sound of someone banging their head on a piano while being cut in half with a chainsaw. If you like that, then more power to you... But I draw a line somewhere and it's dictated by my past and experience. Please respect that, because I respect yours... even though it sounds like absolute shit to me, I realize that as time goes on, generations will probably call farting on a glass table "music" and it will be perfectly normal and you'll be the one calling it shit. I'm cool with that. I know how it feels.

10. It annoys the crap out of me when people arbitrarily define their heritage in fractions. Mother, Father, and their parents... you go any further than that, you're being fucking retarded.

11. This is number 11. That is what I believe.

12. I don't have cable television. I watch everything on the internet. That is what accounts for the fact that I'm here so much. I don't have to travel far. Plus I like banning spammers... And typing in large fonts so that people can't possibly miss my cheery, helpful attitude.

13. I'm an alcoholic. I drink because it's more fun than not drinking.

14. When I was in Iraq, I didn't have sex for an entire year (separated by a week's leave in the middle of the deployment.. but still) because my fiance' at the time was back in Germany. She cheated on me about a month before I came back. I WAS SO PISSED... because I could have banged like... several ugly Army chicks... Ugh... my god, I don't have any good memories from those days. The entire deployment was a figurative "shoot me".

15. I think I'm done. This list is like running a marathon... you're quick off the start, then you realize you have no ability to finish.

I'm spent.
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