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Old 09-28-2010, 11:23 AM   #189 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zaqarbal View Post
Don't you think there is a contradiction between "respecting other's beliefs" and saying "religious crazies will be religious crazies" or "religious texts (The Bible and Quran) both say really bat**** crazy stuff"? In this thread, it was me the first who distinguished between believers, beliefs and freedom to express beliefs (or disbeliefs). And BTW, I was "assailed" for that.
Contradiction? I call it a paradox. I am tolerant of others beliefs until they try to enforce their views on mine. Worship any deity (or deities), refrain from alcohol, sex, drugs, whatever as much as YOU want, but when you try to tell me that I should become a prude or should go to church because it's what God wants (when there is no proof of a higher power) is where I have an issue. That's not to say I have completely reckless unprotected sex constantly. In fact, I never have. But I am well aware of the consequences of reckless behavior. And yes, I am aware that there is still a paradox when I say "I respect other's beliefs until they try to force it on me," but I'm hoping you can see my overall message here.

I could have worded a few things in my last post better, but your nitpicking is trivial. I think you may be onto something when you say Islam has the most potential to cause harm, breed radicals, or whatever. But does that really matter? Should we turn all our attention to Islam and start planting seeds of contempt towards that religion? Is that really what you think is best? The contempt spirals out of control and we have another "OMFG COMMUNISM" red scare.

My answer is no -- and as I've already said before, the focus should be on radical fundamentalists of all kinds (or those who condone such violent behavior, as you mentioned sometime earlier iirc.) A lot of my relatives identify and Christian and tried to explain to me that the Holocaust was a very good thing because the Jews killed Jesus. Tell me, do you think these people are on the right track to hold all sorts of radical and extremist views?

Last edited by Consolator; 09-28-2010 at 11:39 PM.
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