Music Banter - View Single Post - Peer to Peer Networks are wrong, please don't use them
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Old 07-15-2005, 12:58 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 1
Default Peer to Peer Networks are wrong, please don't use them

Remember in the 1990s when an artist released an album and it would get lots of radio play? If you liked the first radio single you would just buy the record and most likely have several other songs that were just as well. These days the radios are dominated by rap, hip-hop, and dance music. Peer to Peer networks take away so much of the profit of an artist who works so hard to perfect their music. Especially with dance music, because they have to simultaneously release a music video thats choreographed perfectly. Since Record Labels get most of the money from buying albums, artists these days are barely scraping by. A lot of African-American artists come from humble beginnings and to finally make it big, they don't get as much money as an artist from the 1990s would. They're not living the rock and roll lifestyle that was had a decade ago.

Peer to Peer file sharing Networks are to blame. Please, stop downloading music for free. It's hurting the artists you love. If you enjoy listening to music, and I know you all do, please stop downloading for free and buy from a non-chain music store so the artists can get the money they work so hard and deserve so much.

Thank you, and God be with you.
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