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Thread: Lady Gaga
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Old 10-14-2010, 09:03 PM   #1713 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
It's a shame because seemingly every single aspect of her has been outdone, and overdone three thousand times in other mediums, genres, etc. From the photography, to the theatrics, to the show itself, to the music.

From a societal view, I just don't understand why we need superstars, and even if we have them... can we at least distribute the attention between multiple eccentrics? Maybe have a cavalcade of cult of personality figures to pick and chose from? Or maybe feel more confidence in our own identities to where we don't need them in the first place?

I mean, it's bad enough that somebody can't get as popular as Lady Gaga by I don't know... simply making great music... but, being able to go somewhere, anywhere, on the Internet, and click up to three links without seeing her freaking name, or going to freaking google news and have the ONLY article on the front about arts and culture FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD be about whatever silly costume she choses to wear, or whatever watered down rendition of the frankly GWARish gimmicks she's been tossing out right and left ad naseum.

I can majorly sympathize with what Mr.Rez is saying here. I rarely go to the pop forum but notice it's only once in a blue moon I go here and the last thing I see is anything but Lady Gaga. Frankly, I'm just tired of seeing her name or hearing about her. If she releases a new album, cool, lets talk about it. If she goes to the zoo to visit koalas in a thong made of string cheese, that is an attention grab, THAT IS NOT NEWS! She's only doing it for the attention and it distracts us all from more valuable figures and cultural aspects of our world we can spending our time discussing.

Even if I can concede to the concept that, even if I don't, other people think she's great, I have a hard time believing she is THAT great. We don't need to be sifting through her garbage seeing what kind of peanut butter she eats because it's not really that important to music, society, or culture in general.
I'm not sure what's worse -- the fact that you compared Lady Gaga to Hitler, or the fact that you expect mainstream news outlets to not be pieces of ****. Celebs' mundane lives have been "news-worthy" for quite some time now. I think it's unnecessary, but hey, it sells. They see that Lady Gaga has a huge following, so naturally they're going to mention her as much as they can. I've had a problem with US news outlets for a while now, but the fact that you're blaming Lady Gaga for this is sloppy arguing.

You're right that she does take up much of the spotlight now in the music industry -- which I don't really think she deserves a lot of the time. Again though, who do you think wants Lady Gaga to be successful more than anyone (besides herself, perhaps.) Her LABEL. They know she's a big name right now and they're going to milk this cash cow as much as they can. It isn't this often that pop artists have such wide-reaching, penetrating power. Your overall problem with her seems more about the way pop music runs and the nature of the business. It isn't something I think is fair at all, but what good is going to come from whining about it on some online message board?

When it gets down to it, I enjoy her music and appreciate her concern for gay rights (which I think it's ****ing retarded that it's such a polarizing issue in the US.) She's vocal of her views, which is something that can't be said of that many pop stars at the moment. She has used her

By the way, if you're so sick and tired of her, why are you in this thread?
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