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Old 10-19-2010, 01:50 AM   #320 (permalink)
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I think it should be legalized.

The government could regulate it and make money off of it. They could put restrictions on it regarding public use and usage near schools or in the work place and stuff like that if they wanted.

Anything in excess is bad for you. Weed is no different. It's a non-addictive 'feel-good' drug. It just enhances everything. A lot of folks come home from work and kick back a few beers around the house or a glass of scotch. Is coming home and lighting a joint any different? Not really.

Allow people to grow on their own property. It's just a plant! Smoke within the confines of their own home and I don't see a problem.

The reason it's going to be awhile til it's legalized is because no politician is going to put their neck out there and risk their career by legalizing it. Too many old people would be outraged, not understanding what weed really is. As for health complications, I don't really see how that even plays into it. The government makes a KILLING off of cigarettes (literally and financially) and alcohol is also bad for you. The government doesn't really care about your health. They want you on THEIR drugs. Just look at the pharmaceutical market and how prescription pills have boomed over the decades.
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