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Thread: Another spring
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Old 10-22-2010, 08:26 AM   #33 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
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Originally Posted by Schmidti View Post
Hey, Erica!

I'm glad you like my songs :-)
In fact, I'm relatively poor in playing the trumpet, I just played these 5 notes so often so that it sounded good enough for the record :-)
Heh heh...that's exactly what I was planning to do with my trumpet playing! Learn to play the few notes I need, then use those for recording, since learning to play very well in all the octaves will take me months!

I have a trumpet question for you: I can get a clear note out of the trumpet (by compressing my lips in a flat line and buzzing), but I find the note that comes out is flatter than it is supposed to be. When I tighten my embouchure and increase the air flow, the note is *still* flat. I tried adjusting valve length, but it didn't help. Do you think I just need an even stronger embouchure? I'm worried I'll never get a correct note out of my trumpet!

Well, you are right, there is much text in not much time in the motivation song, but in the monotony there is all the less text, so in the average, it's all right :-) Yes, how I would like to be able to write such poetical lyrics like you so that there's a message between the lines, but I can only produce direct lyrics which say what they say, I'll work on it!
Thank you very much for correcting my English translation, it's really unbelievable how much work you always invest for me!
And by the way, I don't play the German flute, the tuba, the oboe, ... ,but I'm still young, perhaps this will change in a few years :-)
You are very welcome for my corrections of your English translations. It is my pleasure to do them, if they continue to be useful for you. I've always enjoyed editing and I love German, so I like reading your German lyrics and seeing if my translations differ from yours. If you change your mind and *don't* want the corrections, just let me know!

Schmidti, you know how I said once that I feel you should use some German lyrics in your songs? I'm now thinking that maybe if there aren't enough English words in the songs then quite a few viewers really won't appreciate your music as much as they could. Maybe it *is* better to have song lyrics be mostly in English, to widen the target audience, if that is a goal?

Only three instruments that you don't play? (Maybe the ... refers to a fourth!)

Well, you're right, you still have time to stop being a slacker and learn how to play those. If I don't hear some tuba or a few oboe tweets in your next song, I'll be severely disappointed!

~ Erica
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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