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Old 11-10-2010, 03:47 PM   #762 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Animals don't need to make a conscious decision to change their diets because their nature doesn't have a negative effect on the environment or life as a whole. Why would they need to improve on that?
We, on the other hand, have the ability to make conscious decisions regarding our world and we still fuck it up constantly. Doesn't sound like superiority to me. Sounds a lot like stupidity. And I'll be the first one to admit being part of it.
When our species begins doing a better job at supporting life on this planet than the natural balance outside our influence, then you can claim superiority. Until then, all this human superiority crap is just ego being blown out of our asses because we're too self absorbed to handle the idea that our little talents aren't the end all be all of anything but our own self gratification circle jerk.
It's not a matter if they need to... it's just the fact that they can't, even if they wanted to. Animals are really basic. They don't have the mental capacity that we do. They aren't intellectual. Hell, they see other animals getting killed for food and most of them are too dumb to even realize it. Deer run out in front of traffic all the time. They don't even understand what a road is or how to stop and wait for cars to pass.

You're just pessimistic about things. We don't constantly **** up things.. Sure we make mistakes, but look at the quality of life changes over the past 100 years. Or even 50 or 20 years. Man makes great progress, even admist mistakes. Where as animals don't. Animals aren't smart enough to better their quality of life, they are very inferior to us. We are the most powerful species there is.

And I know humans are out to better the lives of humans... Well no ****. Lol, obviously, why wouldn't we? That's all I hear in response to people improving their quality of life over the years... "Yeah but they only improve human life!!!" That's the entire goal! To make things easier, more accessible, convenient, etc...
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