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Thread: Lady Gaga
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Old 11-13-2010, 07:48 AM   #1763 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Consolator View Post

Well, you're right that she was a pretty normal girl at the time of being on Def Jam. Let's face it though, normal doesn't cut it in mainstream pop music. At least not usually. She wanted to make a career out of pop music so she weirded it up a bit -- why does that make her such a terrible, hate-worthy artist? Remnants of her lounge music are very clear in some of her songs. Have you heard her songs "You & I" and "Living on the Radio" ? Both are lounge tracks from her next album. She knew to get her foot in the door and to catch attention, she would have to do what most (if not all) pop music artists do these days. Stir controversy, be attractive (?), appear to be promiscuous, sing about partying, alcohol, drugs, and sex, etc.

The way I look at it, she's slowly distancing herself from that image and is beginning to rely more her previous means of making music. I don't think she'll ever abandon that image completely, but I definitely see a change in her. I also take it that you haven't gave her albums a listen -- there are tracks on them that are by no means "normal" pop songs. Teeth in particular comes to mind.

When it gets down to it, if being "fake" (and I use that term lightly) like Lady Gaga is means I'm going to sell millions and millions of albums, have sold-out show after sold-out show, have over 22 million "likes" on Facebook, and become a cultural phenomenon across the planet, then ****, I'm going to be fake. People that point fingers screaming "OMG SELLOUT, UNORIGINAL, FAKE" make me think that they're either jealous in some way, or just anti-everything mainstream.
You are assuming I'm against gimmicks when I'm not. I'm just against people using gimmicks because their music alone won't cut it. I would like musicians to have success through their musical prowess rather than trying to play this imaginary character.

Also can fans of popular artists stop throwing the "OMG YOUZ $O JEALUZZZ!!!!" argument whenever someone points something out. I usually preceive it as a cheap dodge based on projection. I'm also not anti-mainstream. There are some mainstream artists I listen to from time to time.
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