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Old 11-13-2010, 01:00 PM   #541 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Fountain Valley
Posts: 29

Nobody cares what the church wants here and nobody is forcing the churches to change their views on marriage
Here, they obviously do, the majority vote says so.

And if you must know, my first choice was Romney. I would rather have a governer than a senator.

And since you are bringing that whine into it, everybody compared Palin to Obama.
They should have compared her to Biden, who is obviously stupid. I was bummed Gore didn't run, because it would be like a do over.

I posted my opinion. If you want to debate it, fine, if you want to make some personal thing, go pound sand up your ass. If you're out to start a debate where you can go after opinions, start a thread on abortion. Because roughly half the people have a different opinion. And the smaller half feels everyone else is stupid & evil, and think it's ok to break the law, because they personally feel that's what "god" wants.

I'm old, I've lived through watching it unfold.

First off, Homosexuality was illegal. Then the gay rights thing started happening.
Probably their biggest milestone was having it lumped in with race.

And then it was protected. No mare gay-bashing. No descrimination.

Now they are trying to change the so called basic "way of the world." with the marriage thing. There is nothing wrong with a civil union. Just calling it "marriage."

From Merriam-webster

Definition of MARRIAGE

a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law
As far as a civil union, there is nothing wrong with that. Out here it's called a "partner." Belive me, if it's a business partner, tennis partner or whatever, you say that. Otherwise it means well, your "partner."

They didn't start the "husband" or "Wife" thing until recently, since the whole "gay Marriage" thing.

As I've mentioned several times, there is already a legal union, that is stronger than marriage. And even churches recognize it.

To the person that thinks I'm a religious person, if you knew anything about me, you'd laugh about how dumb that comment is.

If you think about it, the more religious a person is, usually the more spun they are.
All the insurgents and suicide bombers for example. Or riding around on a bike to talk weak people into your dumb personal religious beliefs.

Some states are at the opposite end of the spectrum, and religion is in control. Obviously Utah, and then a couple others.

They aren't having it, and will do anything in their power to stamp it out in any way
The issue of adoption by same-sex couples has moved to the forefront in recent years. Liberty
Counsel was instrumental in upholding the constitutionality of Florida’s ban on same-sex adoption
in the Lofton v. Kearney case at the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals. This was the first case of its
kind in the country upholding a state legislative ban on same-sex adoption. We continue to work to
establish legislation - and protect such legislation from court challenges - to protect children.
See the state-by-state chart at the end of this document for a listing of adoption law related to samesex
couples in each state.
Three states - Florida, Mississippi, and Utah - have laws that explicitly prohibit homosexual
individuals and/or couples from adopting children. Michigan has, by construction of its statutes,
prohibited same-sex couples from adopting, but does not prohibit single homosexual individuals
from adopting. Other states may not have explicit prohibitions against same-sex adoption, but may
have statutory requirements that only married couples may adopt, and thus, by extension, same-sex
couples (because they are not married) are prohibiting from adopting. The following states have
explicit prohibitions against same-sex adoption.

They are obviously spun, and have an agenda. But then, on the other hand, the sex you have should be private.

When someone announces they're gay in a public situation, I sometimes say "really, well I like women with big tits." They stated their preference, I stated mine. People in normal polite conversation don't announce the type of sex they like.

Imagine if the moral majority did it?

"Well I like women that have a look on their face like they're being tortured and feel ashamed"

If two guys are shacked up, who cares. You should be able to extend your assets & benefits to anyone you chose.

"Marriage" to the obvious majority is exactly what Merriam Webster defined.
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