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Thread: Lady Gaga
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Old 11-13-2010, 02:04 PM   #1767 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CHCl3 View Post
You are assuming I'm against gimmicks when I'm not. I'm just against people using gimmicks because their music alone won't cut it. I would like musicians to have success through their musical prowess rather than trying to play this imaginary character.

Also can fans of popular artists stop throwing the "OMG YOUZ $O JEALUZZZ!!!!" argument whenever someone points something out. I usually preceive it as a cheap dodge based on projection. I'm also not anti-mainstream. There are some mainstream artists I listen to from time to time.
Generally, calling someone fake means you don't approve of their image. If that's not what you meant, then you should be more clear in what you're arguing. I agree, in a perfect world, artists would not have to rely on image / gimmicks so much, but as I've told others in this thread, that's just how music is right now.

Also, I have no problem with you pointing out faults about Gaga. I have many problems with her. A few of them include..

1. Her work overall is unoriginal, and and is regurgitations of what previous pop icons have done. I don't know how many people I've seen claim she's the most original thing on the planet since existence. She has a lot of potential, definitely. Her ability to write hooks is phenomenal.

2. Her fashion is definitely too much at times

3. For someone who has tons of young fans, going around openly admitting she does all sorts of drugs isn't particularly considerate. The fact that it took her months to say "Oh wait.. I don't want my fans to emulate any of my behavior!" makes me question her intentions.

You claiming she's fake and relying on gimmicks are imo, mediocre reasons to criticize her.
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