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Old 11-15-2010, 09:41 PM   #146 (permalink)
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Happened just the other night.

Visited my brother at his college. An ex of mine goes to the same college... I went out to eat with my brother and his girlfriend at Applebees. I went to the bathroom and saw a guy who I thought looked like her dad. Sure enough, I walk out and go to my seat and her and her family are sitting at the table behind us. And where I am sitting, and where she is sitting, we are directly facing each other. The chances of this happening is a billion to one. Wasn't THAT awkward cause we only dated a few months, but her dad made a little small talk which was uncomfortable and everytime I looked up from my plate I was basically staring right at her. Just weird.

Another one... I hate taking a dump in the computer lab bathroom. Cause it's quiet with everyone working and there's no vent in the bathroom to muffle the sound. So everyone in the whole room can hear you ****ting.
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