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Old 11-19-2010, 05:18 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dreadnaught View Post
I think it's a perfectly acceptable way of finding something to listen to. Youtube usually has what you're looking for anyways, and there's no waiting time. It's like people who get high and mighty with their high-def telvisions and Blu-Ray players and consider films on VHS an abomination... IT'S THE SAME MOVIE
Yeah, it's fine to find stuff. I don't say you should download every song you just want to hear once or twice... but relying on it as your main source of music is something I could just never do. The artists put a lot of work into their music, and the producers put a lot of work into the mixes, so why drown all that work out with over compression or poor bit rate.

I can't relate to the VHS thing because I hate VHS and I'm glad that we as a society have found a better means of preserving artwork.

It's like another friend of mine who's speakers are either completely treble or completely bass and the only reason he doesn't care is because he can't tell the difference. I'm not saying you can't, I'm just saying because it bothers the heck outta me when my music sounds like an Edison Era Wax Tube when it could sound like they were right in front of me.
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