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Old 11-22-2010, 05:38 PM   #8552 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Originally Posted by dankrsta View Post
; but...

Spoiler for the sac:
For her, to love is to hurt, to accept death and eventually destroy. So, in the end, she will need a new love in that sac

The most interesting thing for me was that we've actually seen only glimpses of what was she really like. For the most part we saw his perception of her, his projections, be it his wish or fear. In the first part of the film, we see what is the perfect woman for this lonely, middle aged widower supposed to be - she's young, beautiful, always dressed in white (innocent, pure), obedient, but also mature, insightful with some deep thoughts about accepting death (wow) that he can relate to. And towards the end we see the evil woman who wants to entrap him with her love, to hurt him and strip away his whole being. I think he's afraid that he might love it . But, now seriously, his nightmare really began after the night they spent together or, as implied, he's still in that bed with her, having a nightmare, just after he proposed her and she revealed him some abuse in the past and the need to be loved unconditionally. He was scared ****less, talk about over the top fear. In the end, when she speaks to him, with her neck broken, that's when we hear a poor little girl that just wanted to be loved.

Well, that's how I got it. But, I'll probably watch it again, because the more I think of it, the more complex it gets and just invites you to look at it from different angles. That's a sign of a truly good film, maybe even great.
Have you seen Vistor Q by Miike? It's a film that on first glance just seems to be a film to shock but peel the layers back and it's a film that works on so many levels regarding family and their influence on behaviour.

I would like to see it again sometime although it could put a lot of people off.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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