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Old 11-25-2010, 05:58 PM   #3 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius View Post
I unfortunatley got stuck at work. I'm military and its kind of an oh well situation for me to be here on thanksgiving. I'd prefer to be with my wife and kids.

So on to the topic, I was looking a while back into the history of this building that was built in 1930 (its the on base duty room where i am now) and there going to tear it down soon since they put up a new building right infront of it. there was alot of debate since it is an historical building that has been used here in galveston tx till present. In a nutshell my wife enjoys the "Ghost Hunters", "Paranormal State" and "Ghost Adventures" I always give her crap about the "Ghost Adventures" because the main dude on there is all muscle bound and crap.

As for me I have always been a little bit of a skeptic and now I'm not so sure I am. It's odd here because in this building you never feel completely alone as though there is something watching out for you or just watching you period. There have always been unexplained noises and such here as well. I was walking through this old building today and the sat still for a while. I wondered if my old school gravity 2 phone had a recorder on it and it did. So with that I wanted to do an evp session. I did the first time I did it I heard nothing at all. Then I started talking about how they were going to tear this building down on the next evp. What I heard gave me the willies... Basically I said "their going to tear this building down soon and I would like to know how you feel about that" After listening carefully I heard a very super faint voice say "Leave". I'm actually still a bit shaken but I know what I heard and can't wait to get home and use my protools program to enhance it.

I feel a little frightened and relieved meaning, frightened because I have to sleep here after hearing a voice tell me to leave, and relieved that I now have no doubt that there is infact an afterlife.

Now I ask for your thoughts.
Do you think it's possible that your brain interpreted an innocuous sound that way? Auditory pareidolia is thought to be an explanation behind hearing words in otherwise unintelligible noise.

I think there was an experiment done, I don't remember all the details, where white noise was modulated in such a way as to create a pattern of unintelligible noise and the listeners would all hear the pattern as a different word or phrase after enough listening to it. The idea behind it is your brain tries to make sense of the data and comes as close as it can to fitting the sound into something it can use.
The idea behind that experiment sort of parallels the way EVP's are recorded and made sense of. Generally the recordings are always of a faint static-like white-noise type of sound that's modulating in some way. That can be achieved simply by someone dragging their foot on concrete for a short period of time and a low quality recorder barely picking it up, or something to that effect.

I'm just throwing ideas out there, but I think it's worth it for you to investigate the physical aspects of what you experienced before investigating the metaphysical ones.
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